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Drive-In Rack/Drive-Thru Rack

Drive-Thru racking is a high density pallet storage solution which allows a forklift to drive directly into each storage bay. Because there are no gaps for aisles, Drive Thru rack systems allow for maximum utilization of floor space, but because of the tight storage configuration, specific pallets may not be accessible at certain times. Therefore this increased space utilization comes at the cost of accessibility and is only suitable for applications where items are very deep in SKU. For this reason, it is vitally important to conduct an inventory turnover study before designing a Drive-Thru rack system; an improper design might result in only 50 - 60% utilization of the structure and actual decrease labor productivity.

When a Drive-Thru rack system can only be accessed from one entry point, for example if the other end is up against a wall, it is commonly referred to as a Drive-In Rack system.

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